OhiOMiami Valley Rainbow Circle Regional Gathering, Kentucky

August 19 - 27, 1995

Howdy Folks! We the children of the Earth & sky, brothers & sisters of love & light, friends of nature & all people united by our love for each other & the yearning for harmony, calling ourselves a tribe, invite all peaceful beings to gather with us to express our sincere desire & prayer for world peace & healing.


Leave behind


Dogs should bring their own leashes - food - pooper scooper!

Pack it in only if you can pack it out. think about the trash before you leave it for someone else to carry out! Please.

Drive legal: license, registration, proof of insurance, seat belts too.

Seed camp begins on the 16th. This is a Spiritual event that is free & noncommercial, open to all. "No selling in the cathedral please". Please do not put food stamps in the magic hat; instead bring food. Participation is the key. Respect the silence each Sunday at dawn to noon for prayer in your own way. This is an experience in Cooperative Living without leaders - decisions are made in council by consensus.

Long (approx. 2 miles) but easy walk in. Ignore all rumors of cancellation!

If you use white sugar or coffee, try to bring some to share.

More info: OM Valley Rainbow Circle, P.O. Box 9101, Cincinnati, OH 45209 (513) 351-2216