Jim Cooleyt
Resource Advisor
Date 7/2/98

Bill Fox
Incident Commander
Date: 7/2/98

John MacIvor
District Ranger
Date: 7/2/98

Jo Bedell
Forest Supervisor
Date: 7/3/98

Rehabilitation Plan
1998 National Rainbow Family Gathering

Springerville Ranger District
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests

The 1998 Rainbow Family Gathering is taking place on the Springerville Ranger District of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. The site is near Carnero Lake and Springs, northeast of Greens Peak. Members of the Rainbow Family began gathering and impacting this site on June 13, 1998. It is estimated that between 20,000 and 30,000 Rainbow Family Members will gather on the site on July 4, 1998.

This plan provides general and specific maps, specifications, methods, and guidelines to facilitate the clean up and rehabilitation of the areas impacted by the Rainbow Family Gathering participants. This plan is intended to be a guide to assist Forest Service and Rainbow Family members to better understand the objectives and expected end-results of the cleanup and rehabilitation process.

The National Incident Management Team was given a Delegation of Authority by the Forest Supervisor to manage the Rainbow Family Gathering on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. The Forest assigned resource specialists to work with the National Team in identification of significant forest resources that may be impacted, and in the development of strategies to provide for their protection and post-event rehabilitation.

From the beginning, members of the Rainbow Family have been informed of sensitive resource areas within the Gathering site, and the issue of water rights in the area. Forest resource specialists will continue to work with the Family during the rehabilitation process. Many of the site-specific rehabilitation needs have already been identified. However, additional design work will be necessary after most of the event participants have departed and the actual site impacts can be determined.

It is expected that all rehabilitation work would be completed by 8/1/98.

The following are rehabilitation objectives designed to return the site to near pregathering conditions:

1. Physical evidence of human presence created by the Rainbow Family will be removed from the site, or rearranged to present a natural appearance.

2. Areas of exposed mineral soil will be scarified or aerated, and seeded. To ensure revegetation v. Within one growing season, seeding will be completed by 7/30/98.

3. All trails created by the group will be obliterated.

4. To minimize erosion, all trail segments and disturbed areas on slopes over 10 percent will have erosion control structures in place prior to 8/1/98 (Appendix B).

5. Clean up and rehabilitation will be conducted in an orderly manner, and includes the area from the 117C Road, west to the 117A Road.

6. All refuse, litter and foreign material will be removed and disposed of at a recognized sanitary landfill or recycling center in accordance with County and State regulations.

7. Fire pits will be filled with the native material that was removed from the pit. Rocks will be scattered to appear natural to the surrounding area.

8. Latrines will be covered with native material originally removed from the pit, and mounded with excess material to allow for settling. All fecal material will be completely covered with ash or lime before covering with soil.

9. Compost piles will only include natural decomposable material. Compost piles and gray water bumps will be covered with dirt and returned to a natural condition.

10. All structures and facilities will be totally dismantled. Man-made material will be removed from the site. Other material will be scattered to achieve a natural appearance.

11. All water lines will be removed. Rehabilitation of the springs will be done as per methods identified by Forest Service personnel after the Gathering.

12. All string, rope, wire, twine, etc. will be removed from trees and hauled to a landfill.

13. All abandoned dogs, cats, mules and other animals will be removed by the Rainbow Family.

14. All abandoned vehicles will be moved to suitable facilities at the expense of the Rainbow Family.

15. No green timber will be cut unless approved by the Forest Service.

16. Water sampling will be the responsibility of the County, State and Forest Service.

Specific Site Rehabilitation Areas:

1. Main trail from Bus Village and "A" Camp to main circle will be scarified and seeded.

2. Main trail from Carnero Springs to main circle, along Carnero Creek, will be scarified and seeded.

3. Slope north of Lost Tribe will be scarified and re-seeded. Erosion control measures, such as log or rock check darns or waterbars, will be needed at this site along Carnero Creek.

4. All parking areas and new roads may require mechanical scarification and seeding. All new roads will be blocked and returned to a natural condition.

5. Slash will be scattered on all old skid roads that have been used as trails.

6. All creek crossings will be returned to pre-gathering condition. Seeding of riparian vegetation in these areas will be required. Erosion control measures will be designated on-the-ground by Forest Service personnel.

7. The fence south of Carnero Lake, near the main circle, and the fence running north on the east side of Carnero Springs will be re-constructed and repaired to Forest Service standards.

8. All other fences and improvements damaged by the participants will be repaired to Forest Service standards.

9. Scarification and seeding of areas of concentration in and around the main circle is critical for vegetation reestablishment.

10. Several crossings have been built on Carnero Creek from the spring to "A" Camp. Stream crossings will be the last areas rehabilitated prior to leaving the site. This will ensure that no further damage will occur to the creek and riparian areas.

Selected areas of concentrated use will need scarification and aeration to hasten the healing process. Specific sites will be identified by the Forest Service after most of the Gathering participants have departed. High use areas include, but are not limited to the following: (See Attached Map)

1. Meadow south of Carnero Lake along the creek.
2. Areas around Carnero Spring.
3. Meadow southwest of Carnero Lake.
4. All kitchen areas.
5. Kiddie Village
6. Meadow at Bus Village.
7. Most of "A" Camp
8. All parking lots.
9. Additional areas identified as participants depart.

Seed Specifications (See Appendix A)

1. Seeding is not required in areas within heavy stands of timber (>60 ft. sq. of basal area).

2. Seed mixtures shall be certified .04 percent or less weed free. Certification tags will be provided to Forest Service resource personnel.

3. The seeding rate will be at 20 lbs./acre (1/2 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.)

4. A proper seedbed will be prepared by scarification of the soil with the appropriate tools, such as rakes. The seed should be spread and worked into the soil by raking. The seed should be covered by no more than 1/2 inch of soil.

Appendix A

Granite Seed Company
1697 W. 2100 N.
Lehi, UT 84043

MIX #: 16368

        SUMMER RANGE MIX                   DORM OR
	% PURE                                  GERM + HARD ORIGIN
	 4.71 ANTELOPE BITTERBRUSH      VNS    93.00 + 0.00 TZ ID
	27.68 PUBESCENT WHEATGRASS      MANOAN 95.00 + 0.00 -  SD
	28.90 MOUNTAIN BROHEGRASS       VNS    91.00 + 0.00 -  OR
	35.27 SHEEP FESCUE              MX-86  81.00 + 0.00 -  ID

     0.06 Other Crop                Date Tested: 03/15/96
     3.34 lnert Matter              Restricted Weed: None
     0.04 Weed seed                 % Hard Seed: 0.00
     NET WEIGHT: 50.00 LBS. BULK
                 43.83 LBS. PLS

Appendix B
WO AMENDMENT 2309.18-91-2

2309.18.5 Part 01
Page 17 of 22

5 - Exhibit 15

Layout of Carnero Lake Campsite Rainbow Family Gathering 1998